Legal notices | Fifty's


In accordance with articles 6.III-1 and 19 of law n° 2004-575 of June 21, 2004 for Confidence in the Digital Economy, the User of the site is informed of the following identification and information elements

Site editor: FIFTY’S, 10 rue du Colisée – 75008 PARIS
Telephone: 07 86 01 43 50 / Email:
Legal form and share capital: SARL with a share capital of €25,000
SIREN : RCS PARIS 825 124 688
Code APE : 6831Z – Real estate agencies
Intra-community VAT number : FR36 825 124 688
Director of publication : Ségolène de FITTE
Person in charge of the editorial staff : Ségolène de FITTE
Professional card n° : CPI 7501 2017 000 020 025 allowing the exercise of the activity of transaction on real estate and goodwill, delivered by the CCI Paris- Ile de France
Holding of funds : no holding of funds.
Financial Guarantee : 110 000 euros – ALLIANZ IARD
Professional liability insurance : VESPIEREN Immobilier

Design & development

For the Conception and the Graphic design :Atelier Deux Cé
33 rue des petites écuries
75010 Paris de Fitte
Phone : 06 72 00 71 13
Development of the site: SITE WEB ARTISAN, 259 allée de la Vergne, 85150 SAINTE-FOY
Site hosting: HOSTINGER INTERNATIONAL LTD, 61 Lordou Vironos Street, 6023 Larnaca, Cyprus,

Fifty’s trading fees schedule

Transactions up to €600,000 including tax, net-seller = 6% fees including tax (reduced to 5% in the event of an exclusive sales mandate)

Transactions exceeding €600,000 including tax, net-seller = 5% fees including tax (reduced to 4% in the event of an exclusive sales mandate)